Wednesday May 14, 2008

May gallery walk

May gallery hop

You missed Christina Lei Rodriguez’s show at Perrotin, right? Shame, because it’s gorgeous. By dropping the overt references to natural forms, the new work achieves a sort of post-apocalyptic disco grandeur.

May gallery hop


May gallery hop

Take an exterior wall, paint it flat black, and write something on it in block letters. It’s pretty hard to miss, as Locust has been demonstrating for the last few months.

May gallery hop

Amber Hawk Swanson’s sex-doll twin shows off her business end. As you lean in to look, a camera’s watching you, with a live feed showing on a screen on the other side of the wall.

May gallery hop

Photos of the doll making friends accompany the installation. These leave something to be desired, actually.

May gallery hop

Map Magazine’s coffee lounge. Cold espresso in little cans distributed.

May gallery hop

In a trailer at the back of the lounge, Snitzer’s trailer hold’s COOPER’s latest work, ass-kick