Tuesday November 13, 2007

November artwalk

November artwalk

Mural at Locust by Ed Young. (btw, I’m debating whether to do these this way, or in the slideshow. But for now, you can click them to see bigger.)

November artwalk

Inside, a rockin’ installation site-specific sculpture* by L/B.

November artwalk

Adorable mini-art-fair at Spinello. Just to the left of guy’s head is Jen Stark’s piece (because why miss an opportunity to mention Jen Stark?).

November artwalk

I’ll tell you what — word got out about the Diet Gallery. Or maybe it was the heavenly neon sign outside, but the place was packed. And the art, it was good. Welcome DG! Anyway, here’s Andrew Mowbray.

November artwalk

I was a little taken aback and forgot to get this artist’s name. Anyone?? <a href="htt