Monday May 7, 2007

Artspace at Sailboat Bend

artspace sailboat bend

Artspace is an organization that renovates old industrial buildings and turns them into live/work spaces for artists. They’ve been doing this all over the country since the early 90s; the Tilsner is a good example. Typically they purchase an unused old building with high ceilings, big windows, and lots of potential. They renovate, creating units suited to various functions: painting studios with high ceilings, soundproof units for musicians, sprung floors for dancers, etc., and then lease them to artists for “permanently affordable” rates. Having a large group of artists living and working together in one place is not only good for the artists, but it usually revitalizes the whole neighborhood.

Unfortunately their project in Miami has fizzled out, but they’re building one up in Ft. Lauderdale, here. Unlike their typical projects it’s built from scratch, but it’s in a cool little neighborhood, walking distance from downtown. They’ve set up a website for the space, and it looks like units are going to rent for anywhere from $575 to $1,100 per month (the latter is for 3-bedrooms). The reason I’m writing about this now is that next Tuesday, May 15, there’s going to be a meeting for those interested in living there. It’ll be at Artserve, here, at 5:30 pm. There’s more information at the project’s page on Artspace’s website.

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