Wednesday October 11, 2006

Fuck democracy, right? That’s what the Miami-Dade Commission is saying. Enough voters signed petitions to get the strong-mayor proposal on the ballot (to, you know, let the voters decide), but the commissioners have hired outside council which will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, to see if they can ignore the petition. Oh, and of course the bill is being picked up by the taxpayers. And by the way, they already have a lawyer on payroll who specializes in this sort of thing. There’s always “how about we vote your asses out of office, how’s that for a ballot initiative?”, but this pisses me off, because getting those signatures is very arduous, and they shouldn’t be seen as something to be fought by anyone in power they inconvenience. Update: More at MVB.

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  1. circuitmouse    Thu Oct 12, 04:29 PM #  

    It’s Miami.. and anyone is surprised?