Friday July 28, 2006

Jaimie Foxx and Colin Farrell snub Miami?

colin and jamie

Hi Guys! Nice work on the movie; thanks for doing it. You probably don’t know, or much care, but there’s been a little bit of grumbling around town about how both of you decided to skip the premiere. We have Tom’s post, which I linked earlier. Mostly, though, it’s just people I’ve been talking to around town. There seems to be a certain feeling that when movie premieres take place in L.A. or N.Y., the big starts are automatically there, and that your absence from our big night was because ‘it’s just Miami,’ and a certain resentment of said feeling.

During these conversations, I usually point out that if I was cool like you guys, I’d certainly not want to go where I’d be the center of the attention of large throngs of decidedly less cool people. The response to this seems to be that you’re movie stars, and it’s your job to do shit like this. And there I disagree: you guys have contracts (right?) that spell out what your job is. Doing anything beyond that is at your discretion. At that point, the conversation returns to the “but if it was LA or NY” bit, and gets dropped without a satisfying conclusion.

I’m sure it’s no big deal. Your movie seems to be well received, and I’m sure Manola will continue to be so sufficiently obsessed with you to slip references to Colin’s penis into casual conversation. And I ain’t mad at ya. Just thought you’d like to know.

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  1. Manola Blablablanik    Fri Jul 28, 09:33 AM #  

    Regarding Manola’s so-called obsession with Colin Farrell’s penis … oh boy, is everyone in for a surprise! :-)

    Actually, as I mentioned in your previous post, I think folks got confused over the nature the Miami premiere. It never really was an “official” Miami Vice event, although touted as such. Having a lame-ass so-called premiere just made me wonder why they didn’t go all out for publicity purposes.

    Still, no reason to boycott the film, huh? I never thought so.

    Colin and Jamie however did do their rounds of talk shows, which I’m sure must be annoying as hell for the celebrities involved. Heck, Colin even got stalked on The Tonight Show by someone more insane than Manola!

    PS … Alesh, I still can’t for the life of me figure out how to do hyperlinks with Textile. Can you give us a tutorial?

  2. cohen    Fri Jul 28, 09:36 AM #  

    mike mann did not show either, he did send a video though.

  3. travis    Fri Jul 28, 10:29 AM #  

    actually, i’d be very pleased if everyone involved with that movie didn’t show up to the premiere.

  4. alesh    Fri Jul 28, 10:56 AM #  

    Manola, look below… does that help for now?

    As for the movie, I’m off to see it at 12:15 tomorrow.

  5. Manola Blablablanik    Fri Jul 28, 12:57 PM #  

    Actually, Michael Mann was here

    Hey Alesh, it worked! Thanks!

  6. alesh    Sat Jul 29, 11:56 AM #  


    Let’s see if it helps Rick when he gets back Monday.